同时,要牢记两句话:感赞安拉(الحَمْد لله )、祈主恕饶 (أستغفر الله )。感赞安拉(الحَمْد لله )使我们接近安拉,祈主恕饶 (أستغفر الله )使我们远离罪恶。
"We surely belong to Allah and to Him shall we return." This verse makes us feel the great love from Allah, then makes us conscious of our ending, it combines the love and fear, plus our responsibilities and accountabilities.
Meanwhile, keep two words in mind, Alhamdulillah(الحَمْد لله ) & Astaghfirullah (أستغفر الله ). Alhamdulillah keeps you closer to Allah, Astaghfirullah keeps you away from sin.