著名记者 G.H.Janssen在他的Militant Islam ─ 书中开宗明义指出伊斯兰的特质:
“Islam is not a religion and Muhammad is not the founder of Islam. This may seem a statement of extreme Islamic heresy. Yet this is not too far from what two fundamentalist Islamic scholars and reformers have to say about the basic tenets of their faith: ‘Islam is not a religion in the common, distorted meaning of the word, confining itself to the private life of man. It is a complete way of life, catering for all the fields of human existence. Islam provides guidance for all walks of life-individual and social, material and moral, economic and political, legal and cultural, national and international. These words are echoed by every writer, Muslim or non-Muslim, dealing with the most essential characteristic of this faith, a characteristic which it does not share with any of the other ‘higher religions'. Because of this it cannot be repeated too often that Islam is not merely a religion. It is total and unified way of life, both religious and secular, it is a total and unified way of life, both religious and secular, it is a set of beliefs and a way of worship; it is a vast and integrated system of law; it is culture and a civilization; it is an economic system and a way of doing business; it is a polity and a method of governance; it is a special sort of society and a way of running a family; it prescribes of inheritance and divorce, dress and etiquette, food and personal hygiene. It is a spiritual and human totality, this-wordly and other-worldly. Consequently, religion and politics are the two sides of a single coin is Islam….” 一位非穆斯林学者,对伊斯兰的认识如此透彻,确实难得。 伊斯兰本身虽然是一种信仰,但它本身也与社会生活的各个方面相联,伊斯兰不仅像其他宗教一样确立人与神之间的关系,而且也确定人与入之间的关系。 伊斯兰强调真主被崇拜之外,祂是宇宙的绝对统治者,人一类在各方面的生活,也应顺从真主的意旨而行。真主的意旨是透过祂所启示的经典及祂所选派的使者来传达给人类知道。